Baldwin Metals is a leading manufacturer of custom steel lintels in the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex. Steel lintels are architectural components utilized in home and building construction, which carry load over a window, door or archway. All of our steel lintels are built to the size and radius for the specific application. Typically, we manufacture them in carbon steel; however, we can also produce stainless steel lintels for special applications.

Unlike off the shelf lintels, Baldwin metals steel lintels are custom built to the exact specifications and requirements of home builder architects and masons who need a unique size custom steel lintel to complete their master piece

Baldwin Metals custom steel lintelAfter the rolling process, the custom steel lintels are cut and welded to create the arch which will hold the masonry.
Baldwin Metal custom steel lintelThe fabrication of custom steel lintels starts in the metal rolling department where the metal angle is formed to a specific radius
Baldwin Metals custom steel lintelsUtilized to create an archway in home or building construction our steel lintels can be custom fabricated to almost any size and shape.

Ordering Custom Steel Lintels From Baldwin Metals Is Easy:

  1. Select the lintel template design required for your project
  2. Download and print the template file.
  3. Fill out the required dimensions.
  4. Email them to ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or fax (214-747-7872).

Custom Steel Lintel Template Downloads

We will provide you with a quick price quote. We require a 50% deposit to get started on jobs. Depending on quantity and design custom steel lintels typically take anywhere from one to three weeks to fabricate.

Typically our clients pickup their finished lintels however shipping can be arranged if necessary.



Request a Quote

Thank you for your interest in working with Baldwin Metals, we are delighted to be a part of your project. Please contact us by phone or email for a quote and lets get started on your project. In order to expedite the quoting process please have a drawing available for our estimators, engineering drawings such as .dxf or .dwg files are ideal but a .pdf works as well and a drawing on a napkin can suffice as well! Once we understand the details of your project we will provide you a quote as quickly as possible. To speak with a member of our estimating team please call us at 214.747.6722 or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can get your project moving!